Delavnica NVIDIA: Osnove pospešenega računalništva s CUDA C/C++
KDAJ: 16. 2. 2022, 10.00-18.00 KJE: MS Teams (povezavo dobite na dan dogodka) Število mest: 30 Rok prijave: 15. 2. 2022, do 23.55 oziroma do zapolnitve mest! Cena: 0€ Delavnica […]
Pizza party 2022
Dear Students and Colleagues, we are thrilled to announce our annual Pizza Party social event. It will be held on 28th of February at 16:00. The event will take place […]
Pizza party 2020
In order to popularise the ACM Maribor Student Branch among students, the Student Chapter members invite you to the “Pizza Party”, which will take place on Thursday, January 9, 2020, […]