Maribor ACM Student Chapter


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Pizza party 2020

UM FERI Koroška cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenia

In order to popularise the ACM Maribor Student Branch among students, the Student Chapter members invite you to the “Pizza Party”, which will take place on Thursday, January 9, 2020, at 4 pm in G2-P04. We will begin with the presentation of the ACM University Programming Marathon (UPM) competition and the presentation of the work […]

Delavnica NVIDIA: Osnove pospešenega računalništva s CUDA C/C++

UM FERI Koroška cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenia

KDAJ: 16. 2. 2022, 10.00-18.00 KJE: MS Teams (povezavo dobite na dan dogodka) Število mest: 30 Rok prijave: 15. 2. 2022, do 23.55 oziroma do zapolnitve mest! Cena: 0€ Delavnica je namenjena študentskim članom IEEE Slovenija ter študentom UM, UL, UPR in IJS, so pa dobrodošli tudi zaposleni na univerzah in člani IEEE. V delavnici […]

Pizza party 2022

UM FERI Koroška cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenia

Dear Students and Colleagues, we are thrilled to announce our annual Pizza Party social event. It will be held on 28th of February at 16:00. The event will take place in the G3 basement (Amfiteater Gauss) of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor (UM FEECS). Pizza Party social event has been […]

Programing for Girls

UM FERI Koroška cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenia

More about the event can be found on this link.

Tekmovanje ACM iz računalništva in informatike

UL FRI University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Večna pot 113, Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kaj? Tekmovanje ACM v znanju računalništva je namenjeno dijakinjam in dijakom, ki jih zanimajo programiranje in algoritmi in bi se radi pomerili v reševanju nalog s tega področja. Off-line naloga: Pri off-line nalogi je besedilo naloge objavljeno vnaprej na spletni strani tekmovanja, prav tako pa tudi testni primeri. Tekmovalci lahko svoje rešitve oddajajo prek obrazca […]
