Maribor ACM Student Chapter

Hour of Code 2018

ACM Student Chapter Maribor participated in this year’s Hour of Code event. Several members of our chapter volunteered to perform workshops in several local schools in and around the City Municipality of Maribor. We made a total of 6 workshops aimed towards the primary school students aged 11-13 years. A brief description of all workshops is attached bellow:

  1.  Primary school Prežihov Voranc Maribor (Gosposvetska ulica 10, 2000 Maribor) – 4th grade, 2 workshops/departments:
    • December 4th 2018 at 13:50
    • December 7th 2018 at 12:05
    In these workshops, the students learned basic programming concepts within the visual programming environment, published here.
  2.  Primary school Prežihov Voranc Maribor (Gosposvetska ulica 10, 2000 Maribor) – 6th grade, 2 workshops/departments:
    • December 6th 2018 at 7:30
    • December 6th 2018 at 12:05
    Students produced in a similar environment to Scratch various 3D objects by connecting various blocks (all with graphical programming: here).
  3. Primary school Bakovci (Poljska ulica 2, 9000 Murska Sobota) – 5-6th grade:
    • December 4th 2018 at 12:30
    Students learned the basics of programming in Python programming language. We presented basic programming constructs and introduced algorithmic thinking. The students used the acquired knowledge to create a simple game – guessing a number.
  4. Primary school Videm (Videm pri Ptuju 47, 2284 Videm pri Ptuju):
    • December 3rd 2018 at 13:00
    The students were introduced to the basic concepts of computer programming and algorithmic thinking. They applied the acquired knowledge by developing Android applications using the AppInventor tool.