Pizza party 2022
Dear Students and Colleagues,
we are thrilled to announce our annual Pizza Party social event.
It will be held on 28th of February at 16:00. The event will take place in the G3 basement (Amfiteater Gauss) of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor (UM FEECS).
Pizza Party social event has been one of our major events for promoting our student chapter to students and colleagues from University of Maribor. At the event we will present the University Programming Marathon (UPM) competition which is a good opportunity for students to gain some valuable knowledge and experience from programming challenges.
This year we will organise the event with the cooperation of other non-profit organisations:
– IEEE Student Branch Maribor
– IEEE Women in Engineering Slovenia
– IEEE Young Professionals Slovenia
At the event we will host a special guest from a well known company: Endava d. o. o.
You are welcome to join us at the event and help us promote our student chapter and other organisations. For purposes of having enough pizzas and drinks, please fill in this form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our chair Klemen Berkovič.
16:00 – 16:05 Predstavitev dogodka Hour of Code in študentske organizacije ACM Maribor (Klemen Berkovič)
16:05 – 16:10 Predstavitev študentske veje IEEE Maribor (Jani Dugonik)
16:10 – 16:15 Predstavitev IEEE ženske v inženirstvu – Slovenija (Tajda Bogovič)
16:15 – 16:20 Predstavitev mladih profesionalcev IEEE Slovenija (Jani Dugonik)
16:20 – 16:25 Predstavitev Univerzitetnega programerskega maratona (UPM) (Klemen Berkovič)
16:25 – 16:30 Predstavitev študentskega tekmovanja IEEEXtreme (Jani Dugonik)
16:30 – 16:40 Predstavitev podjetja Endava
16:40 – Druženje
Due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic, the conditions and restrictions for controlling the Covid-19 epidemic must be considered. In case of unfavorable and aggravated epidemiological situation, we reserve the right to cancel the event.